Another destination point for us while we were on Chiloe was to head west and see the Pacific Ocean for the first time during this trip. 

It only took a couple of hours to get there, but it felt longer as the single track road twisted and turned round every nook and cranny.  

The landscape turned from forests and grassland, to lakes and scrub, to long flat areas of sand and suddenly we were here.

There was a couple of single standing wooden huts for houses, but otherwise, the place felt empty of humankind.  We parked the car up and ventured out onto the vast sand dunes and made our way towards the roaring waves.  

To our left and our right, all we could see was sand and water.  It really did feel we had reached the edge of the world and we were the last people on earth. The lazy crashing of the waves hypnotised you, luring you in to their grasp, but I knew better than to go near its dangerous undercurrent and could feel the strength of the sea from where I was.

Axel, not so much though.
He ran out to try to jump a wave and, as my shouts were drowned out by the waves and vast expanse between us, Lorne charged after him and caught him just as a wave came tumbling towards them, at ankle height, but enough to tackle them like a dirty footballer, over into the water.

Axel didn't like the sea anymore.  
He joined his much more sensible sister further inland and they both sat about making sand castles, while his clothes dried in the sun. 

The drive back was relaxed and everyone chattered excitedly about the sea, its strength and of course, its beauty.